Sunday, October 05, 2008

Guiltless Gourmet Spicy Black Bean Tortilla Chips

The idea of a guilt-free product is tempting, albeit illusory at best; much money has been made on low-fat products that still contains lots of calories, mostly from sugar, and often have white flour and other additives that don't make them good for you. This Organic product from Guiltless Gourmet, succeeds more than those, in that they use fresh ingredients, stone-grind blue corn, use less oil and bake them, and flavour them with less salt and more herbs and black bean powder. Of course, do they taste better than those fat-free ones? I say yes. The spice on the corn tortillas is very flavourful, the tortillas are not at all oily, overall very good. Enjoy them on their own, or with salsa. The only drawback, per se, is the higher cost for these better-for-you snacks.

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