Saturday, May 22, 2010

Danielle Roasted Coconut Chips

The American company New England Herbal Foods makes chips out of fruits and vegetables; these are made from coconut (other products in this line are pineapple, banana, durian!, mango, jackfruit, pumpkin, carrot, sweet potato, okra and taro). They are labelled as 100% All-Natural, no Trans Fats, no Gluten and no Preservatives. The coconut comes from Thailand. They are roasted and then baked using vacuum pressure. The only other ingredients are sugar and salt. These ended up tasting quite good, like roasted coconut, though perhaps a little sweet. They were crunchy, and all enjoyed these.


ugglissss said...

Hey Mike,

I'm from Toronto and love these chips. I've had trouble finding them - where did u get them?

Thanks in advance.

Mike said...

The only place I've seen them in, is Winners (or perhaps Home Sense, but they're the same company).