Sunday, May 04, 2008

Reese Limited Edition Hazelnut Creme Candy

Having read about this recently on several blogs, and that it is available only in Canada, I set about to find this new candy bar from Reese, makers of the Peanut Butter Cup, which I used to enjoy as a child, not so much anymore. That is contains hazelnuts rather than peanut butter is a good thing, though it is a hazelnut creme, rather than hazelnut paste or praline (which sparks an idea for a new treat I can make), I think that Reese could have done much better. How does it taste? Much more sweet than I'd like, but definitely hazelnut-y. Not bad, also expensive (perhaps I'm out of touch, but $1.25 for this smaller version, 30 g vs 47 g, of its big brother Reese Peanut Butter)!

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