Another thing that Lindt has in Germany that I don't see in Canada, is their own free magazine, all in German, called Chocoladen Seiten (or Chocolate Pages - though it should be Schokoladen; I would say it was a play on words, Choco + Laden=Chocolate Store(s)). The tagline is "The Lindt Magazine for Afficianados". There are articles and recipes, all featuring Lindt products, both new and old. This current one featured Easter. There are articles on Easter baskets, Egg/Gift Hunting, one on Roger Federer's love of Lindt chocolate with a picture of him holding a very large Lindor Milk, an article about Mexico and its cacao (which would mean they use cacao beans from there),recipes like Easter Chocolate Cake with Carrot Sponge Cake and Fruit Tartlets (with Mousse) and Black Forest Crumble (all using Lindt chocolate). The articles are obviously market-oriented and product-driven, but interesting, a little. Now, if we could only get an English version.
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