As you might know, I like and prefer coffee from Costa Rica, and am always on the lookout for new sources. I see that Melitta has brought out more recently their World Harvest line, featuring Organic coffee and coffees from Columbia, Guatemala and Costa Rica. Tarrazu is a County in the high mountain central valley of Costa Rica, and features rich volcanic soil for growing coffee. These are most likely Arabica beans, originally native to Ethiopia and Saudia Arabia.
I find this to be a good Costa Rican coffee, not as good as some I've drunk, but still with the Costa Rican flavour I like. The 1 lb. bag was about $11 and can be found in most supermarkets.
Interestingly enough, while looking up some info on the 'Net, I read that local coffee in Costa Rica is reduced in price, and it has been a very quiet dream of mine to go to Costa Rica to sample the coffee there freshly roasted, the local coffee is also tinted, to prevent it from being exported. I guess I'll have to watch out for that and perhaps drink at the tourist coffee plantation areas.
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